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Analysis Of The Status Quo Of The Balance Car Industry

In recent years, whistling electric balance cars are often seen on the streets and streets of major cities. This one-wheel or two-wheel mobility tool can only start, accelerate, decelerate, stop, and other actions based on changes in the center of gravity of the human body. It has been loved and sought after by the majority of young people, so balance car manufacturers can't help it. The balance car franchise came up like mushrooms.

However, since March this year, China’s balanced car industry, valued at 400 billion yuan and occupying more than 90% of the world’s market, is experiencing a “quick break” winter. The domestic balance car manufacturers have closed down on a large scale. Change of business, corporate orders plummeted by 70%. The following is an analysis of the current situation of China's balanced car industry in 2016:

Barbaric growth moves negatively questioned

In recent years, the domestic balanced vehicle industry has witnessed a surge of ups and downs.

As of 2015, domestic manufacturers of balance bikes have surged to tens of thousands, with more than 600 in Shenzhen alone. Representatives include Ninebot, Cyclist, Lexing, Andao, New Century, Aojieqi, etc. The pattern of "Yibu North Popular" has long been broken. Some of these companies have only been established for a year or two. At the same time, the production capacity of domestic balanced vehicles also increased sharply from 30,000 units in 2011 to 15.5 million units in 2015. However, the situation of the domestic balanced vehicle industry is not optimistic, facing vicious competition and poor safety.

The reporter conducted a market survey and found that the price of a balanced car is as low as 2,000 or 3,000 yuan, and the price of a high-balance car is tens of thousands of yuan. Some insiders have analyzed that the scale of the balanced car industry is about 400 billion yuan. Attracted by huge benefits, manufacturers of balanced vehicles have stepped in, and the capacity in this field has been continuously expanded.

To stand on the high ground in the fierce competition, there has been a "price war" between the manufacturers of balanced cars. To reduce costs, some unscrupulous manufacturers have adopted secondary assembly and the use of inferior parts to reduce costs. According to industry insiders, there is a wide disparity in the price of parts for balanced cars, only lithium batteries, ranging from 50 yuan to several hundred yuan. And this directly leads to quality problems such as insufficient power in many balance cars.

In addition to the lack of power, the balance car also encountered a common question of "poor safety."

Unlike traditional travel tools, the balance car does not have a steering wheel, throttle, brake, and other components. Coupled with the uneven quality of domestic balancing vehicles, it is difficult to ensure the safety of themselves and those around them if they are used in complex road traffic environments. Many safety accidents caused by the balance car justify its hidden safety hazards. Recently, the first domestic lawsuit involving injuries caused by the use of a balance car was accepted by the court. When the reporter searched for the safety issues of the balance car on the Internet, he found that due to problems such as overspeed power failure design, loose and broken steering shaft, freezing shut down in winter, and slippery roads, it was not the case that users were injured during the use of the product.

In the current domestic traffic regulations, the responsible subjects include pedestrians, non-motor vehicles, and motor vehicles, and the balancing vehicle does not meet the safety standards of motor vehicles, nor is it in the catalog of several types of non-motor vehicles. ". At present, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenyang and other provinces and cities have explicitly banned balancing cars from going on the road. In response, Professor Zhejiang University and vice president of China Industrial Design Association Ying Fangtian believe that products on the market can only achieve entertainment, sports, and health functions. To achieve mobility functions, they must meet the corresponding safety standards. Professor Ying also mentioned that at present, a well-known enterprise is taking the lead and the industry is stepping up the development of professional products for mobility.